A TESOL Chile Webinar and a Virtual International Conference

September and October are looking to be exciting months in terms of new opportunities and professional development.

On Friday I had a wonderful opportunity thanks to TESOL Chile. I gave my first ever live webinar, and it was broadcast for live participants on Zoom as well as on Facebook Live.

The format wasn’t much different from what I usually do with my workshops, but the live streaming added some pressure.

The TESOL Chile board did a great job of setting me up and letting me know what to expect, and it helped ease my nerves. Despite that, I was still a bit nervous. In the beginning people weren’t seeing my screen when I moved from my PowerPoint presentation to a website and then back. It turns out with Zoom you don’t show your entire screen, just a window. Luckily the moderators alerted me before I went too far.

After getting through the first few slides I started to feel more relaxed. It also helped that there were some familiar faces in the audience. We went through a variety of activities to engage students when teaching online, and everyone was engaged and participating.

If you’d like to watch the replay here is the video:


The other big event is the Re-evolution international virtual conference for English teachers. It’s happening on October 2nd and 3rd, and it’s going to be my first virtual conference. I’ve gone through some training how to use the platform, and it looks really dynamic. There’s a main stage, an area for the sessions, an exposition area, and even an area for networking. It will be a bit different with not being in person to give a workshop and meeting people, but I’m excited about it.

They have created flyers featuring the presenters. Here are some of them:

Here is the schedule:

I’m presenting at 5:15 Chile time on Friday. I just hope that I won’t be too worn out from everything else happening before then!

The best part of it is that it’s absolutely FREE!

I’m thankful for these opportunities, and I feel like my hard work is paying off. I’m also excited to meet people that are doing amazing things in other parts of the world, even if it’s only virtually.

Afterwards I’ll have an update about how it went. Until next time!

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