
ELT in Chile Podcast

In 2019 José Luis Poblete and I embarked on a new professional project: The ELT in Chile podcast!

We spent about 4 months planning out what we wanted to podcast to look like and be about, and it was born in December of 2019.  In an effort to democratize learning, we share our knowledge and experience related to teaching English in Chile and online teaching.  We want to empower teachers with tools and techniques to improve their teaching, and we focus on free resources that we have used in our own teaching

Topics we have covered include the following:

  • The teaching landscape in Chile
  • Teaching online during the times of covid
  • Building classroom community
  • Practicing self-care
  • Teaching listening skills
  • Natives speakers and non-native speakers in English language teaching
  • Assessing students online
  • Racism and the power of language
  • Using textbooks in classes

Each episode has shownotes with a variety of resources for teachers that are available on the website, www.eltinchile.com. I ended my participation in the podcast in January 2022, but I hope my contribution will live on and help teachers for years to come.

Click on the icons below to access the podcast on each platform.